a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Petliura, Symon, Петлюра, Симон; Petljura, pseuds: В. Марченко, В. Салевський, І. Рокитни, С. Просвітянин, О. Ряст; V. Marchenko, V. Salevsky, I. Rokytny, S. Prosvitianyn, O. Riast, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Entsyklopediia Ukrainoznavstva, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Semen Petliura and Yevhen Konovalets at the military parade in honor of the Directory of the UNR (17 December 1918)

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Semen Petliura and Yevhen Konovalets at the military parade in honor of the Directory of the UNR (17 December 1918).

Image -- Semen Petliura and Yevhen Konovalets at the military parade in honor of the Directory of the UNR (17 December 1918).

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